Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everything in it's right place

Yesterday I woke up suckin' a lemon.

I wish I could put in to words how much I really don't care.

I'm sure this party is going to be lame. The same six people sitting in a room staring at each other. While I bounce up and down making drinks and picking music and being uncomfortable. They don't like it when I play Coheed. Or Tool. So I put on Justin Timberlake. Nobody dances. That reminds me. We should pick up more salsa.

I need to pay some bills.

I'll buy the booze first.

I'll happily sacrifice my credit if it means I will have a nice fat frozen bottle of Ketel One in my freezer. I'm sure Target & Chase Card Services will understand. They already know I don't care.

It doesn't matter that YOU feel bad. YOU make other people feel bad all the fucking time. SHE doesn't pay attention. Neither do YOU.

I did.

It's the devil's way now
There is no way out
You can scream & you
can shout
It is too late now

You have not been
paying attention

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