Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kids say the darnest things...

"You clean up that attitude tomorrow. You were grumpy girl today."

Ray Rentler. Sometimes you absolutely shock me. In a good way.
Maybe that's all it takes...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Mia: Don't you hate that?
Vincent: What?
Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bloodshot eyes

I feel like shit today because I only got 30 minutes of sleep. Better than a hangover, I guess, but it still makes sitting at work pretty difficult. if i sat still for one minute, i would fall asleep. i have to keep leaving to walk around the block, just to stay awake.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday is Bacon Night.

Is there much of a difference between 18 and 25? Sounds like there would be...after all, it is almost ten years. I am pretty sure I was 17 when we met, although I might have been younger. You couldnt drive yet.
High School.
How this came to be, I will never know. To believe that you are a real person is to negate everything else I've ever considered to be reality. You, my dear friend, have become a ghost. I will be sitting across the table, sharing bacon (probably not), with a ghost. You've been whispering in the background for so many I have to sit across the table and act as though you are a real person.
When I was young, I had nothing to fear. I wasn't embarrassed...ever. Now I can't tell where the flirting starts and the self-deprecating ends. I learned from my last relationship that the two arent as compatible as I thought.
Now that I think about it, I dont want to do that stupid, awkward greeting. I dont want to sit there smiling like an idiot for the first thirty minutes. (To avoid this, I will take a xanax before I leave, arrive 30 minutes early, and finish at least one glass of wine before you get there.) I dont want to worry about the way I talk, what i talk about, how drunk i get, what ive been doing for the past 5 years. I want to see you and smile and remember how it felt to have a warm heart.
Tuesday is bacon night.

Thanks for nothin', Abe.

I learned about wrinkles today. Wrinkles that people get on their faces (and other places) as they age. I don't have any yet. I asked Mari when ladies start using wrinkle cream (is that what it's called?) on their faces. Long story short, since the baby boomers spent our social security, they are going to give us wrinkle cream.
Comes out to about even, I guess.

I am not interested in the differences between generations. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. Or maybe I am just sick of making excuses for other people. "He's old school", "Oh, when she looks back at that in 20 years, she'll regret it..." or "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". That's just what you say to avoid confrontation. In the face of racism. Or ageism. And sexism. Too many free passes floating around out there. I can't tell you how many times a day I have to leave the room. To avoid hearing racial slurs, misogynistic jokes, and the most mundane stories you could ever imagine about the 70's. When I am in my sixties, I wont have anything to talk about. Because I spent my teens and twenties wasting time, running from your stupid fucking anecdotes.

Happy Birthday, Dziadzia. Now, shut the fuck up.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Rocco & Tiger are mollus names.

A gang of co-workers are crowded around our TV here at work watching the Open. Something about Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate going head-to-head on 18. I couldnt care less, except that my desk is located directly UNDER the 60" television. So I feel like they are all staring at me. I'm trying to look busy, but really I'm trying to tune them out. They all sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown.
I'm flipping through the real columbo to see if anything cool happened over the weekend. Nothing did. Here are some random scribbles:

*"Someone said I should start a band. "katie and the bobs". KT on lead vocals, bob on maracas."
I think that was Evan. It's a pretty dumb idea. I think he was trying to be funny, but it didn't work. As ALWAYS.

*"6.11. Chuck called me the Angel of Death."
This is no big surprise. He always gives me horrible nicknames. This time he was trying to figure out how to say it in many he could call me Angel of Death in many languages.

*6.15. 8x10 frame-blow up Ryan's Gargoyle-en-Paris photo. (if i can get it from my busted laptop)
I am in the process of moving to my new apt. I am completely "redo-ing" my bedroom. My inspiration is an old postcard of Paris, an uneasy, creepy sky & the Eiffel Tower. My walls will be the stormy, beige color of the clouds in the sky in the picture. My bed and table will be the blue-green color of the sky above the clouds (I'm referring to this color as "seasick". ha.) Anyway, I bought a huge, greenish picture frame (8x10), but I didnt know what to put in it. (I didnt want to put a picture of people in it; i doubt any one looks good at that size...) Then, it occured to me that I have the PERFECT photo, if I can get to it. Several years ago, a friend sent me a photo he took in Paris. A rooftop shot of Paris, flanked on the left by a creepy stone gargoyle. It's beautiful. Perfectly cloudy and creepy and romantic and unattainable (on many levels). (Four interesting words that may have more to do with the people involved than the actual photograph.) Anyway, I believe I still have the photo saved on my beat-up old laptop. Given the INSANE recent turn of events, I need to dig up that photo and display it in my beautiful, perfect, creepy, new room. On yet another side note: I cant wait for this week to be over...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not Today...??

Friday?!?! My hair won't hold up until then!

What a long week. I need to switch banks.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Two of my favorite things

Irony & coffee mugs...together!

one has osama bin laden on it. and some crows. and a muffler.

the other one has jesus and a big drill. and gold fish.

Thank you Justin Rothshank & the Three Rivers Arts Festival! (

In other news, there is a bat inside my office today. This is the second time this has happened. We named him Barack. I hope I don't see him again. We lost track of him this morning. I guess I should turn up my music (new My Morning Jacket) to scare him away. Oy.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mixed Nuts

Most of my days go something like this:

6. snooze, snooze, snooze. shower. music. hair & makeup. somedays i make coffee. brianna comes over around 730am and i drive us to work. she hops out in Oakland. i get to work on-time-ish. 8. hi chuck. clean up. get the joint ready for the day. wait til the losers go upstairs and chuck and i have an omelet party. eggs & salsa. the today show. ellen. the view. i make tea & lemonade. bon appetite. 12. i turn off the oven. good food & a little cup of water. bye chuck. invoices. various other projects. snacktime-usually a nut party, sometimes just a cup of coffee. 3. empty the dishwasher & wrap silverware. more projects. lead generation or whatever. 4. dump coffee & other drinks. shark. rush hour. 5. thai or c.f. or shade or harris with bob. martini or pinot grigio. home. 9. 30 rock. flight of the conchords. lights out meatball.

There is a light that never goes out.
Get it out of my head. I might be in trouble.

June is the wrong month for a wedding!! It's October! October is when YOURE supposed to get married!! You told ME that! Remember?!?!?!?!?

Call me Clem. And I would erase the first one and the real one and all of you.

"driving in your car/i never never wanna go home/i havent got one"

It's not nice to go around leaving notes on people's porches. Wouldn't you want one though? I haven't got a porch. Or even a window frame.

I am quite sure that the last thing I will ever think will be "this is it..."
But that won't be it. It occured years ago. That was the day it turned into an acorn.

2012. ha.

Friday, June 6, 2008


This might be the coolest thing I have EVER come across! This French guy wrote this song...this video is AWESOME! And i think it's funny/pretty cool that the word 'chivers' is slang for "young hip musician" (according to the french, at least).
This is the perfect way to start the weekend.
Merci, Sebastien et les autres Katies qui m'aider trouver la chanson!!!

Divine by Sebastien Tellier

No no no no no no no
I’m looking for a band today
I see the Chivers anyway
Through my eyes
Oh oh oh
I . . . I’m alone in life to say
I love the Chivers anyway’
Cause Chivers look divine
Look away
They try to find the Milky Way
They love to drink it every day
No no no no no no no
Toi et moi, c’est comme tu sais
Comment mon coeur a succombé
You look fine
Oh oh oh
I . . . I’m alone in life to say
I love the Chivers anyway’
Cause Chivers look divine
Look away
They try to find the Milky Way
I’m . . . I’m alone in life to say
I love the Chivers anyway
In your eyes
Oh oh oh
I’m looking for a band today
I see the Chivers anyway
I’ll be a Chivers guy some day
In my mind

* Chivers is a slang term for a hip young musician

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Love AVClub

I asked a question.
Someone called "pur rage" answered with,
""Ennui" could work. Some sort of lethargic existential crisis, anyway."

I said,
"Yes. Those words work."


I would love for someone to explain to me the general rationale behind former Hillary supporters opting to vote for McCain over Obama. I do not understand this. Not one little bit.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Some days I am excellent at self-restraint. Other days I might as well be Courtney Love. I did not recieve "class clown" in high school (obviously my greatest-most dubious-achievement) because I am funny. I earned that on the basis that I am the only girl in my class who let the crazy shit fly. Not normal crazy girl bullshit. Weird, eccentric STUPID words. Things that one should keep to oneself. Things about vikings or cranberry cars or pigeons. basically the kind of off the wall shit I write here and in the real books. my point is that today my censor was broken. and i mumbled things. and now i feel like an idiot. what else is new?
i dont think ive ever been so bored.