Thursday, May 8, 2008

Something about scales

I am trying so hard to stop getting caught up in negative thoughts. Right now, I really feel like bitching. But instead of doing that, I am going to make two lists. One of things I like, the other will be things i dont like.

I dont like sports metaphors.

I do like plastic picnic silverware sets. The ones that come wrapped in plastic with a napkin & little salt and pepper packets.

I do like Cool Ranch Doritos.

I don't like popcorn. Or any corn.

I like my new umbrella. It's white and it has citrus fruits on it.

I don't like geezers who just sit around and watch tv. I am referring to old men, not young slacker dudes as referred to by the Streets. Also, I hate it when people are full of shit.

I like parallel parking. I am very good at it.

I dislike hot dog water. While I love a good weiner once in a while (that's what she said), I don't like the creepy liquid that drips out of the bottom of the package. (haha.)

I like TV on DVDs. Specifically, Flight of the Conchords, 30 Rock, and Columbo.

I do not like Tootsie Rolls.

I do like cleaning my car.

I do like tea. I am on a real tea 'kick'. Especially mint tea. I should get a kettle.

I do like this new computer. It pretty much rules.

I don't like

im bored.

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