Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thanks for nothin', Abe.

I learned about wrinkles today. Wrinkles that people get on their faces (and other places) as they age. I don't have any yet. I asked Mari when ladies start using wrinkle cream (is that what it's called?) on their faces. Long story short, since the baby boomers spent our social security, they are going to give us wrinkle cream.
Comes out to about even, I guess.

I am not interested in the differences between generations. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. Or maybe I am just sick of making excuses for other people. "He's old school", "Oh, when she looks back at that in 20 years, she'll regret it..." or "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". That's just what you say to avoid confrontation. In the face of racism. Or ageism. And sexism. Too many free passes floating around out there. I can't tell you how many times a day I have to leave the room. To avoid hearing racial slurs, misogynistic jokes, and the most mundane stories you could ever imagine about the 70's. When I am in my sixties, I wont have anything to talk about. Because I spent my teens and twenties wasting time, running from your stupid fucking anecdotes.

Happy Birthday, Dziadzia. Now, shut the fuck up.

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