Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday is Bacon Night.

Is there much of a difference between 18 and 25? Sounds like there would be...after all, it is almost ten years. I am pretty sure I was 17 when we met, although I might have been younger. You couldnt drive yet.
High School.
How this came to be, I will never know. To believe that you are a real person is to negate everything else I've ever considered to be reality. You, my dear friend, have become a ghost. I will be sitting across the table, sharing bacon (probably not), with a ghost. You've been whispering in the background for so many years..now I have to sit across the table and act as though you are a real person.
When I was young, I had nothing to fear. I wasn't embarrassed...ever. Now I can't tell where the flirting starts and the self-deprecating ends. I learned from my last relationship that the two arent as compatible as I thought.
Now that I think about it, I dont want to do that stupid, awkward greeting. I dont want to sit there smiling like an idiot for the first thirty minutes. (To avoid this, I will take a xanax before I leave, arrive 30 minutes early, and finish at least one glass of wine before you get there.) I dont want to worry about the way I talk, what i talk about, how drunk i get, what ive been doing for the past 5 years. I want to see you and smile and remember how it felt to have a warm heart.
Tuesday is bacon night.

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