Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bests. Worsts. Firsts.

Dead celebrity I'll miss the most: Paul Newman

Dead celebrity I won't miss at all: TIE: Donde West/ Cindy McCain
~What? She's not dead? Oh, well she looks like she would eat my brain if she could. Nevermind.

Best TV show that has been canceled but deserves to be revived for more than a minute: Pushing Daisies

Worst TV show about doctors: Private Practice

Best TV sandwich: Liz Lemon's Teamster Sub w/ dipping sauce

Best TV show that inspires smoke cigarettes: Mad Men

Best Movie Creep: Ledger's Joker. Runner-up: Mr. Tamura ("Executive Koala")

Worst movie I finally watched after avoiding it for two years: Once

Best tree: the big bitch behind my sister's house. Runner-up: my Disco Charlie Brown xmas tree.

This award goes to the fucking guy (or lady) who pissed me off the most this year. Could have been an ongoing issue or an isolated incident. You've really gotta be a dick to stick out in someone's long-term memory.
Dziadzia, you take the #1 prize. I am using my nickname for this person because I dont need the headache of actual confrontation. You are such a dick, though, you'd probably love it.
--dude from the bank. As I said, thanks for absolutely nothing. You shoulda been a cop.
--apartment maintenance guy. Thanks for throwing my laundry all around my fucking room when you "fixed" the air conditioner leak. Also, I wanted to tell you that i really appreciate the way you leave passive/aggressive notes all around the building. very helpful.
--my sister's old boyfriend. You're a real piece of shit.
--cab driver from that one night. You know, you could have just slowed the fuck down instead of driving like a fucking maniac. We told you she was sick. I hope your cab stunk for the rest of the weekend.
--Bitchy friends-of-a-friend. You guys are stuck up. I wish I didn't have to know you.
--Jerks-who-stood-me-up. You should know that it takes a lot for me to actually WANT to hang out with someone. I won't make that mistake again with either of you.
--Honorable Mention: I know I can't leave myself off this list. Fair enough.

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