Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reappropriations...wait, what?

In 2007, these words meant something. Now they mean something else.

MOLLUS: (2006) I used to have a cat and a friend and we all called each other the same thing.
(2007) I miss the cat. (2008) I dont miss anything. "mollus" now refers to any furry creature. "molled" means drunk or fucked up

CREEP: I've always liked the word "creep" but this year it took on a more descriptive meaning. "Creep" refers to my favorite kind of weather...gray, cloudy, cool weather. creepy.

DARNEL: (2007) "Crabman" on My Name Is Earl. (2008) Plastic wrap.

Some other things that don't mean exactly what they meant a year ago:

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