Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bear, Shark, or Alligator (or crocodile)??

I have instigated MANY conversations about this in the past few bars all across the tri-state area...

IF you were to be mauled to death by one of the following animals, which would you pick?

and of course it follows, then, why? Which one would you NOT want to be killed by?

This week there have been news stories about a couple of these wild beasts. The bear from Semi-Pro killed his trainer. I haven't seen Semi-Pro yet, but if that bear is anything like the calm and democratic bear from Anchorman, I say Let Him Live! I have never been a fan of the death penalty, and ESPECIALLY not for celebrities!
Also, sometime recently, an 8 ft alligator crawled his (or her, i guess) way into the kitchen of a little old lady's florida condo. The lady didnt freak out or anything and animal control was able to escort the creepy dinosaur back out of her little old lady kitchen. But then they killed it. Apparently hungry 8ft reptiles (was going to insert an old people joke here, but wont) are not welcome at Shady Pines. Sayonara, Shannon. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to be killed by a gator. E has one as a classroom pet. I'm not lying. He comes home during the summer; right now he's in our guest room. His name is Celtus and he's about a foot long. He's cute, in a weird way. He sits on a rock under a heat lamp and chills all day. His only stress is when the cat comes in and sits on top of his aquarium. Then, he's one pissed off mofo.