Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cool Thursday Things

After lunch I took a walk through PPG Place and Market Square. The fountain is finally on in PPG Place, a true sign that summer is on it's way. All the little kids were having a ball in the fountain, splashing and soaking themselves as parents, guardians, and strangers looked on. As I passed, I heard one little one yell, "I'M ALIIIVE!". I wonder what that was all about. Was the little kid imitating Frankenstein? Would a 5 year old kid know about that line? And wasn't it "it's alive"? The mad scientist referring to the massive monster? So was this little kid REALLY rejoicing and acknowledging his (or her) existence? Happy just to be playing in the sun...
Even if that's not really what the kid was talking about, I guess it's nice that I was forced to take a few minutes out of the middle of my day in the middle of a loud cranky stinking city to consider children & innocence & small pleasures.

That said...
will someone PLEASE remove the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition from the front counter at CVS?!?! God! I feel like I have been staring at that blonde lady's side-boob for months now. And WHY is it OK for that naked lady to be hanging out next to my chapstick and Altoids, and it's NOT OK for 30 Rock to use a phrase like MILF (Island) in an episode?! The show's ratings aren't that great to begin with (106th) despite it being one of the best television shows ever written. (Better than Seinfeld. There, I said it.) But seriously, how many little kids are watching that show and actually considering what a "MILF" is? Little kids would probably think that word is hilarious, anyway. 30 Rock was bumped out of NBC's "family hour" 8-9pm, and will now follow The Office. That one hour of television makes Thursdays OK with me.

Speaking of 30 Rock (which i always am, incessantly), Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were on The View today. (I need to get a life.) Tina Fey mentioned that Elizabeth Hasselbeck was the only host that had not yet been on 30 Rock. Elizabeth said she would love to appear on the show, and Tina, without hesitation, said "would you get in bed with Alec Baldwin?" AHHH! Elizabeth was so stunned she couldn't even answer yes or no (she was trying to convey annoyance, but you could tell she wanted to do it...what a republican). It was Perfect. It makes sooo much sense for Jack and Elizabeth to have a fling (or whatever), and I Love it that Tina went for it right there on the show!! Awesome.

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