Thursday, April 3, 2008

Words that start with V

Earlier today I asked Chuck if I am vacuous. Someone used that word recently to describe something of mine (not me), and since then I've been worried. I guess I'm the kind of person who jumps to conclusions at the very mention of a negative condition or disease. What is it? RLS? Scurvy? Oh, I'm pretty sure I have that. Anyway, the word vacuous has been on my mind, so I asked someone who would most definitely give me an honest answer. I hate it when people answer a question with "what are you talking about?", which is the exact answer I get most of the time. After messing with me for a minute, Chuck said, "You are whatever the opposite of vacuous is... you are...(huge grin)...full of shit."
Thanks, Chuck.

God is tall, skinny, tan, and has a huge mane and beard of white fur. I know this because he is on the cover of March's Videography magazine. Turns out God is a camera guy who worked on Martin Scorcese's Rolling Stones documentary.

I can't think of any way to use the word V for the rest of the shit i want to write about.

I tried Indian food last night for the first time (pretty much). I'm "into" spicy food so I was not afraid to try something new. Note to self: heartburn fucking sucks. I threw up for twenty minutes before work this morning and I haven't been the same since. V!

I'm antsy. My next thing will probably be about ants. it may (or may not) be a good one. Now that I am trying to write in this blog the same way I do in my real columbos, I can tell it might not work. I don't sound the same. Maybe it's the fact that I am interrupted a hundred times a day and I can't focus. Maybe it's the effing chicken tikka masala that's distracting me. I want to continue, but at this point I want to acknowledge that this isnt as cool as I wanted it to be.

1 comment:

Shirley Doe said...

Oh, Katie, if we were all as cool as we wanted to be, the peaks would not seem as high when we are in the valleys. That's my long winded fortune cookie said before I smashed it in two and ate it while it screamed.